Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Right Goals?

Hello there! 

It is a bit inconsistent since I will write this post in Bahasa. It might be easier to explain, I guess. 

Jadi, entah ada angin apa gue beli sebuah majalah. This magazine is quite familiar among adolescents these days. I guess. Jaman gue SMA dulu sih lumayan nge-hits. Dan kalimat barusan merepresentasikan gue yang udah nggak lagi muda. Seketika sedih.

Okay, kembali ke majalah tadi. Majalah yang gue beli ini majalah cewek gitu. Udah cukup lama gue nggak beli majalah cewek menye-menye gini. Yang gue suka dulu pas beli majalah adalah rubrik curhat menye-menye lucu pembaca. Misal, "kak, gue lagi suka sama senior gue nih, tapi gue nggak berani ngapa-ngapain. Disapa doi aja gue langsung nari tor-tor ditempat, saking senengnya. Jadi gue harus gimana ya?" That is quite funny I guess, unless my humor is so low that you have to dig in to understand. Meh. 

Satu lagi yang gue suka adalah cerpen yang biasanya agak motivational gitu. Biasanya gue baca cerpennya sambil nongkrong di WC. Percaya nggak percaya, baca cerita di WC jadi bikin elo makin mendalami ceritanya. Mungkin aroma WC merangsang otak supaya berimajinasi lebih intense kali ya. Who knows. Anyway, konten macam fashion, make up, or else, I hardly ever read it. It's just not my thing though. 

Tapi majalah yang gue beli ini isinya lebih banyak ke grafis. This looks cool, though. Gambar gambar macam tumblr gitu dah. Konten teks panjang juga nggak banyak. Curhat menye-menye sama cerpen pun juga nggak ada. So sad.

Yet, gue baca satu artikel tentang seorang cewek yang kuliah di luar negeri gitu. Inti artikelnya sih tentang cita-cita yang benar. Dan ada satu kalimat yang menurut gue emang keren banget.
Ingin menjadi apa dan ingin menjadi seperti apa adalah dua hal yang berbeda. 
Sebelumnya, gue udah pernah baca kalimat semacam ini di artikel lain. And this is indeed utterly thoughtful. Pola pikir mayoritas orang adalah ketika semasa kecil  selalu diberi pertanyaan dengan "Kamu kalo udah gede pengen jadi apa?" and obviously, jawaban dari pertanyaan itu selalu merujuk pada sebuah profesi. It is like, tolak ukur orang besar, orang sukses, orang hebat adalah seberapa "hebat", seberapa "wah" profesi seseorang. Dan emang society kita udah jadi membudaya untuk menjadikan wealthy jadi tolak ukur. Which is, the wealthy is the product. Semua orang cuman fokus dengan hasilnya aja. It doesn't matter how you gain it. And it turned out that wealthy is way more important than moral. 

Sebaliknya, ketika ditanya "Kamu kalo udah gede pengen jadi seperti apa?". Clearly, jawabannya pasti berupa kata sifat. Yang namanya kata sifat pasti merepresentasikan sifat dari diri kita. Norma maupun moral yang baik pun bakal menjadi goals atau cita-cita. Society will focus on the personality, and focus on how to gain something. It will make moral being more concerned than wealthy which is will make a better society. 

It is funny how one word can make a big difference and influence such a big circumstance like society. 

Finally, see ya around!xx

Monday, 11 July 2016

Cleaning The Dust.

Hello there!

It has been ages since I wrote on this blog. I can see the spider webs at the corner and look! there's even a homeless man sleeping there. whoa. My jokes are so bad that the homeless man decided to move. Never mind, this is my blog though. Don't judge.

So, I have no idea how I'm supposed to start this post with.
Hmm, you guys are probably wondering why I took so long time to start writing again. No? It's okay, I will still answer it though.
The simple answer is, I got a writer's block.
*What?! What kind of a writer's block that took you about a year, Yas? *
Nah, I will call it Yayas' writer's block then :p.
*another lame joke*

Honestly, I had been really busy lately. It's already my last year in college, I'm supposed to focus on my thesis and studying harder for preparing another years ahead in hospital, but at the moment, I'm still dealing with my organisation that I'm joining in. There's a problem about a seminar that I want to hold. It's supposed on August. But, the assistant dean declined the proposal with the ridiculous reasons. My friends and I suppose that there's a financial reason. It's not a secret that the assistant dean is a sycophant. You know, the longer you join the organisation, the more you know how rotten the management of the university is.

And......................I don't have anymore clue what I am supposed to write. If you read this, you can suggest a topic that I need to write here in the comment section below or ask me on If you don't, I may not write again until I get a good topic to write. It would take decades. perhaps.

Finally, see ya around!xx